April 2007 Please view the League Information Section for details of this league. Relevant fixture lists for your team can be downloaded and please note the procedures that you need to be aware of as a participant. Senior, 26th April 2007 Please view Result and Report on the League Information section. Senior, 20th April 2007 Please note that there are Junior League fixtures on Saturday 14th. April and Saturday 21st. April (see Junior Section for schedule). East Midlands Regional U16 League match on Sunday 15th. April (see League Information Section for details). Training restarts on Monday 16th. April. General, 4th April 2007 The latest Nottinghamshire Netball Association Winter League Results Sheet (up to the 10th. Match) is in the League Information section. The latest Nottinghamshire Netball Association Junior League Reports and Table are in the Junior Section. League, 4th April 2007 East Midlands Regional Clubs U14 Tournament 2007 SUNDAY 1st. APRIL 2007 at Central School, Rushcliffe Road, Grantham NG31 8ED Congratulations to the U14 squad that played in this tournament on winning the event and therefore qualifying for the National Finals on Sunday 10th. June 2007 at Gillingham in Kent. Please view full report on the Tournament Section. Junior, 4th April 2007 The Winter League has now finished and we need to prepare for the Summer League which starts in the first or second week in May. Emails have been sent to members in the Senior section requesting a response regarding their availability for this league. Summer League matches are played at RLC on a Tuesday or Wednesday evening. There are two match sessions starting at either 6.30pm or 8.00pm. Could Club members please respond with the following information: availability/ preferred evening (cannot be guaranteed)/ preferred match time (cannot be guaranteed). We can request a preferred evening and match time for teams, but the League Secretary has to try & accommodate all requests which is not always possible. Please respond asap and by the 10th. April 2007. Decisions re. the number of teams & the squad formation for the Summer League will be made at the Senior Committee Meeting on the 11th. April 2007. Senior, 1st April 2007 |